Sipped Ink vol 3 issue 0.5


Hi, and welcome to the start of this year’s read-along; thanks for joining me in making our way through Hanya Yanagihara’s A Little Life (2015). An important note to begin with: when these letters come out on a Sunday they presuppose that you’ve completed the week’s reading up to Saturday. I would advise against reading the letter before you’ve done Saturday’s reading, but you can absolutely read the letter before you tackle Sunday’s pages. It also bears repeating that you’re by no means obligated to stick to the same schedule as everyone else, but I would ask that you don’t openly discuss aspects of the book that occur beyond the scheduled page for the day; that way everyone can enjoy the book at their own pace, and yet we can still have a conversation about it along the way.

Speaking of which, this year there are multiple ways you can add your voice to the proceedings. As well as dropping into your inbox as a letter, you’ll find each of these Sunday missives as a post on Ink Is Milk 1— there, now that you’re all signed up, you’ll be able to leave a response at the bottom of each piece (just type into the box under Responses and click ‘Publish’ when you’re done). You can also click & drag over any piece of a post that you like and you’ll get options to highlight it, tweet it, or leave a comment specifically alongside that part of the text. (You may also see sections that have been highlighted by others, along with their comments in the right hand margin and below the piece.) I hope you find all of that useful, and if you need any pointers just call out to me or another of your fellow readers.

In case it’s useful here’s a PDF of the reading schedule, formatted so as to make a neat bookmark if you care to print it and cut it out. Future reader, regrettably this schedule has been lost to the sands of time.

That’s it for this introductory letter. I hope you’ve all got your copies of the book and that you’re excited to get started today. Leave a comment and say hi to your fellow readers, and I’ll be back with you next Sunday with notes on the first week’s pages, and more about that prize that I teased in the sign-up email. See you then.

⏎ Return to the read-along index / vol 3 index

  1. Future reader, this was one of several names for the read-along project before everything got collated under the title Sipped Ink.  ↩︎